Monday, December 5, 2011

The Megamercial Concept

Big budget, high quality, sometimes cross-branding, 10 minute plus commercials are a great new development which I am noticing. They are at times referred to as Megamercials, a synonym for the combination of mega and commercial.

These Megamercials give more validation to the idea that the traditional means of displaying commercials via television as a medium is dying. As more and more individuals use devices to skip commercials, stream shows, or download content, the less commercials are going to gain an audience.

With this understanding we can see that some socially aware marketing savvy individuals and companies are taking advantage of this to build commercials more suited for an internet audience. These Megamercials, if done right, can gain a following which could lead to them becoming viral and spread around the internet and around the world. The reach and return on investment could be quite significant.

The latest example of this was commissioned by the DC Shoes brand with their video 'KEN BLOCK'S GYMKHANA FOUR'

By producing these advertisements for an internet audience, there are less restriction that you would see imposed by organizations such as the FCC. These restrictions include content, but more specifically the legal limitations on duration of commercials.

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