Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome to the USSA!

I am compelled to write this where I can't believe that people are still denying what is happening in the United States. I've been talking about the severity of the economic meltdown for a number of months with every time receiving skewed looks of skepticism.

This is going to get worse and worse, possibly even worse than the depression of the 30's. In today’s society we have avenues to make us more in debt than what was available in those times. With multiple credit cards, multiple mortgages, and multiple insurances on those multiple mortgages, I believe we'll see one bubble burst after another.

The governments answer to this crisis is to print more money to bail out the failing companies leaving investors with worthless shares and the debt paid for by the tax payers. I heard a good joke where a guy was stating “in the old days when the government owned these companies they used to call that communism.” Welcome to the USSA!

What this does is just devaluate the US Dollar, possibly rendering it worthless. This could lead to a national crisis, and if you tie that in with any more ‘natural’ disasters or ‘terrorist’ attacks then it might be reason enough to suspend the US elections.

In the extreme scenario many American citizens would rebel, potentially splitting the country into different regions, and rendering the constitution null and void. Schwarzenegger could finally be President of the United States of Pacific America! For the sake of our neighbors to the south and to the implications on us in Canada I hope that this is not the case.

By writing this article I hope I brought more attention to the severity of this situation and for us to recognize that this as a major crisis.

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