Friday, November 28, 2008

Defining the new Web 3.0

Web 1.0 = Black and white, one dimensional
Web 2.0 = Slick look with a two dimensional feel
Web 3.0 = Easier and different ways to interact with the web in a more 3Dimensional environment.

Since we're entered this new web 3.0 realm I can think of few examples, with Google leading the way, the best describe the possibilities. However on a smaller scale, the best example to demonstrate this idea is the PicLens WebApp, used in viewing multiple images on websites. Makes browsing so much quicker!

The new web 3.0 will allow us to be more efficient, have a more enjoyable experience, and be less cumbersome to use or learn to use by being more intuitive.

I think the limiting factor though is the hardware, whereby 3D viewing technology along with gesture interactive components are readily available and accepted by all consumers.

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