Friday, November 28, 2008

It is cheaper to save than produce new energy

I've been noticing in the past few months that Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, has been going around giving speeches and presenting his thoughts on the Environment. It's kind of interesting how a primarily software focused company has dealt with energy issues. But operating a company of its size, they are affected and can make headway in addressing issues.

If you are interested in what their initiatives, please visit

There are key concepts to take away from his speeches. The main one being that it is cheaper to save than produce new energy. And so the analogy of spending money to make money has changed to spending money to save money. This is an interesting idea in which I believe the thought process of individuals has to adjust accordingly.

The only nota bene I would include is; how long will it last whereby it will be cheaper to save than produce energy? With all the deleveraging occurring in the current markets, we see oil prices being reduced to the mid-fifties a barrel. These prices may not sustain these new energy initiatives.

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